Plasma Physics and Astrophysics up to 2020 and beyond
In honor of Pierluigi Veltri's 70th birthday

7-8 October 2019
Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy


The goal of the workshop is to review the main achievements in the last five decades and to discuss the future developments in plasma physics, from laboratory to space and astrophysical plasmas. We will bring together experimentalists, theorists, and numerical modelers to discuss basic aspects of the physics of turbulence, reconnection, shocks, kinetic and nonlinear phenomena, in order to highlight new results and novel approaches, as well as to exchange ideas among different research branches of plasma physics.

Invited Speakers:

  1. Vanni Antoni (CNR, Padova)
  2. Stefano Atzeni (Università di Roma 'La Sapienza')
  3. Giuseppe Bertin (Università degli Studi di Milano)
  4. Guido Boffetta (Università di Torino e INFN)
  5. Claudio Chiuderi (Università di Firenze)
  6. Edvige Corbelli (INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)
  7. Giorgio Einaudi (George Mason University, Fairfax, USA)
  8. Attilio Ferrari (Università di Torino e INFN)
  9. Roland Grappin (Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas,France)
  10. Pasquale Londrillo (OA Bologna-INAF, Bologna, Italy)
  11. André Mangeney (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris)
  12. William H. Matthaeus (University of Delaware, USA)
  13. Mauro Messerotti (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste)
  14. Angela Misiano Martino (SAIt, Planetario di Reggio Calabria)
  15. Francesco Pegoraro (Università di Pisa)
  16. Annick Pouquet (NCAR-UCAR, USA)
  17. Marco Velli (EPSS, University of California at Los Angeles, USA)

Programme Committee:

You can download a pdf copy of the conference poster here

Last update: September 25th, 2019